Paying It Forward

Holistic + Hawaiian Non-Profits

Holomua is constantly finding ways to give back to the community. Britt and her family continue to provide people access to the healing they need. By supporting Holomua, you are supporting a greater mission on healing and shifting the world. From a place of fear, to a place of love. From a place of competition, to a place of collaboration. Because in the end, all that matters is love. Love is our true nature.

Britt and Reef | Holistic + Hawaiian Non-Profits | High Vibrational Child | Perpetuate Hawaiian Culture

Spreading More Love

High Vibrational Child

High Vibrational Child is inspired by Britt’s son Reef who is non-speaking and Autistic. HVC helps families, children and animals have access to Reiki sessions. Right now, medical insurance does not cover Reiki. So HVC has stepped in and is able to cover partial tuition fees for Reiki classes and up to 75% of a Reiki session fee for parents, children and animals that are in need of healing. Britt’s goal is to make sure that everyone has access to energy healing, no matter their financial situation.

Aloha Is A Superpower

Perpetuate Hawaiian Culture

Today, as a non-profit, Perpetuate Hawaiian Culture helps to promote, protect, and perpetuate the Hawaiian language, traditional cultural practices, and the island’s natural environment. It also seeks to provide Native Hawaiians and others access to holistic healing modalities. PHC is shifting from a passion project of Britt’s to a non-profit. The current website is under construction at this time.

Perpetuate Hawaiian Culture | Holistic + Hawaiian Non-Profits
Britt and Reef | Holistic + Hawaiian Non-Profits | High Vibrational Child | Perpetuate Hawaiian Culture
Protection Symbol | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

It’s time to become the creator of your own life.

First, it starts with how we take care of and treat ourselves. And secondly, how we treat and take care of others.

Logo | Holomua Healing University | Reiki Training + Certification | Reiki Healing | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Logo | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Logo | Holomua Healing University | Reiki Training + Certification | Reiki Healing | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression