Britt Yap | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Upcoming Mana Healing Sessions
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Mana Healing Sessions Zoom | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Mana Group Healing Sessions

Healing From the Comfort of Your Home

A Mana Healing session is a 2-hour virtual group session that incorporates the Mana Healing Method of breathwork, Reiki, hypnosis and life coaching. Participants go on a journey of healing virtually via Zoom as Britt walks them through the following:

·20 minutes - Intentions, Reflection and Journaling

·50 minutes - Breathwork, Distance Reiki and Hypnosis

·20 minutes - Participant Sharing

·30 minutes - Spiritual Life Coaching

Brand Mark | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Brand Mark | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

How It Works

Mana Healing sessions are for anyone. Participants do not need to have previous experience in order to attend.

What you’d like to get out of the healing session. Write down your intentions. It’s always good to look back at this a week or month from now to see what has shifted. I recommend a journal or Google docs and put the date.

Headphones or Airpods will help enhance the experience. But it’s OK if you don’t have them. Your computer or phone and access to Wifi. (The stronger the Wifi, the better the connection, the more fluid the experience). A nice flat surface (ground or bed) or something like an antigravity chair to lay down on during the session. A quiet space where you will not be interrupted (this is important for hypnosis to work the best). A journal and pen for later or Google Docs on your computer.

Please make sure you stay hydrated today and use the restroom right before we start the session this evening. If there is anything that you are hoping to get out of the healing session, please speak this into existence before you hop on Zoom by simply asking the Great Spirit/Source, your spirit guides, and ancestors to help you in those areas of healing today. I will open up Zoom about 10 minutes ahead of time so that people can log on early if they’d like. Please be prompt. Mute yourself unless you want to respond to a question or say hello to the group. I really prefer to see faces upon welcoming you all. I’ll say a little introduction after everyone logs on, we’ll do a journaling exercise, then we will begin. I will then ask everyone to lay down on their back and position their computer or phone so that I can see their crown chakra (see picture below). I don’t care if your video is off when you log on to Zoom, but I want to see your crown chakra once we begin the session and I ask everyone to get into position. The entire breathwork, Reiki and hypnosis process is about 50 min. After I am done, I will slowly count everyone up out of hypnosis. At this point, you can unmute yourself as we will have a little discussion so participants can share what came up for them during the healing session.

By participating in the session, you understand that Holomua Healing Arts, LLC (Brittany Yap) is not a medical or physiological professional. She is not a substitute for psychotherapy or medical practice. If a situation arises where medical or psychological intervention is needed, Holomua Healing Arts, LLC (Brittany Yap) is ethically and legally bound to refer the client to a mental health or medical professional. You also understand that Holomua Healing Arts, LLC (Brittany Yap) does not guarantee any outcome in these sessions. However, the more open and receptive you can be to healing and hypnosis, the better. You also understand that with healing sometimes comes a “healing crisis”. If this does occur after the session, you will contact Holomua Healing Arts, LLC (Brittany Yap) so she can further instruct you on how to move through the purging process your body is going through in order to heal.

Upcoming Mana Healing Sessions

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Private Group Mana Healing Sessions With

Britt Yap + Heal Team

Britt and the Heal Team offer customized group Mana Healing Sessions to private groups, conventions, seminars, retreats, parties, families, businesses or corporate teams looking to infuse their event or gathering with a spiritual healing experience. These private sessions can be booked for both virtual or in-person events. Along with Britt’s normal mana session themes, these sessions can be further customized to best fit the group’s healing needs. For more information and to inquire about booking availability, click the button below.

Britt Yap | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Britt Yap | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Not Sure If This Is Right For You?

Frequently Asked Questions

Anyone. Even children and pets are welcome to lay down and receive Reiki.

(If I’m afraid of butterflies, for example) Please let Britt know of your fears/phobias when you register using the Eventbrite link. She usually asks again at the beginning of the session for people to privately message her on Zoom if there is anything you absolutely do not want her to say or suggest in the hypnosis portion of the session.

The full session is 2 hours long. However, the Reiki, Breathwork and Hypnosis portion is usually done in the first half of the session. Britt spends the rest of the session listening to participants share their experiences and she usually finishes the session with some off-the-cuff life coaching. So about 75 min. into the session, people are free to log off of Zoom if they need to leave early.

Participants cannot be driving or operating heavy machinery during the breathwork, Reiki and hypnosis part of the session.

People feel all types of improvement, depending on what they need. Some of the most common benefits people see are better sleep, less anxiety, more focus, following through on goals and their to-do list, feeling physically lighter and less tense, seeing shifts in their bad habits, having better mental clarity, and feeling a minor relief to complete healing from physical ailments. Some people also report connecting with a loved one that has transitioned to the spirit realm while they were in hypnosis.

You do not have to have it on if you’ve done a Mana Healing Session before. But if it’s your first time, Britt strongly suggests for you to have your camera on. Britt strongly suggests whenever possible to keep your camera on.

Drink lots of water and stay hydrated. This helps to flush out the toxins from the body. Make sure to try and get a good night’s sleep after the session. Take it easy and trust your body and what it needs. Sometimes people can feel a little healing crisis after the session. Here is more information about that.

Upcoming Mana Healing Sessions

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Protection Symbol | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

It’s time to become the creator of your own life.

First, it starts with how we take care of and treat ourselves. And secondly, how we treat and take care of others.

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Logo | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Logo | Holomua Healing University | Reiki Training + Certification | Reiki Healing | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression