
/ləv/ - noun and verb

An intense feeling of deep, unconditional affection.

Holomua is here to spread more unconditional love and acceptance in the world. To help people appreciate the beautiful differences in each other and celebrate each other's uniqueness while fulfilling our purpose in life.

Our Mission

Holomua Is Inspired by Love

In Hawaiian, Holomua means “to improve, to progress.” There’s no name more suited to our mission: to help people improve and progress in their personal experience of wellness, and to help Healers develop and share their gifts with the world.

We believe that every person is here for a reason: to learn, evolve, grow, love, and accept each other. Holomua is a mission that continues to grow, improve, and progress daily as we continue to serve people of all walks of life.

Britt Yap | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

We are reminding the world - through our teachings, our healing sessions, and through living it ourselves - that we are one. We are love. We are whole. And we are all connected. The human spirit is incredibly powerful and we can heal ourselves and empower others to do the same.

We are an ‘ohana – a community of like-minded, high vibrational, loving individuals who want to see everyone thrive and be their truest highest selves. Holomua Healing Arts is a trusted wellness resource that provides solutions and resources for seekers who are looking for healing for themselves, are in search of inspiration to understand their innate healing abilities, or are enthusiastic about connecting with like-minded, and like-energy souls.

Holomua is an ‘Ohana

Britt and Family | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

After Reiki and hypnotherapy helped founder Britt Yap navigate the challenges of a chronic health condition, her appreciation for holistic healing evolved into a passion to use her knowledge to help improve quality of life for others. She founded Holomua Healing Arts in 2013, in her native Hawai’i. In Hawaiian, Holomua means “to improve, to progress” – and that understanding is an ideal fit for her mission to help clients improve and progress in their personal experience of wellness.

In 2017, Britt and her family relocated from O’ahu to Northern California, where she began hosting monthly Reiki classes for students all over the United States and innovating a multidisciplinary style of holistic healing that incorporates Reiki, breathwork, energy healing, hypnosis, and life coaching techniques. Her unique approach, the Mana Healing Method, helps clients explore the root causes of their issues, gain insights into their life purpose, heal their mind-soul-body, and let go of what is no longer needed.

The idea for Holomua Healing University naturally evolved in 2020 when there was more demand for Britt’s classes and training. She saw an elevated desire in people wanting to dive into their own healing journey and finally tap into the healing gifts they always knew they had. Because of this high demand, Britt, her husband Rod, and two children founded the university to better serve the masses and to create a legacy for future generations. The university is the home of a large mission that will stand the test of time.

Meet the Rest of the Family

Rod Pontemayor | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Rod Pontemayor

Energy Protector/Security + Logistics

Reef | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Reef Kamaha’o

Energy Guru + Inspiration for High Vibrational Child

Tehya | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Tehya Hilina’i

CCO (Chief Cuteness Officer)

Marlene Perdido | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Marlene Perdido

Swiss Army Knife + Retail Jedi


Grounding ‘Rock’star

Paying It Forward

Holistic + Hawaiian Non-Profits

Holomua is constantly finding ways to give back to the community. It has founded two holistic non-profits over the course of a year between 2020 and 2021 to be of service to the community and to make sure that Native Hawaiians and families have access to the healing they need. By supporting Holomua, you are supporting a greater mission on healing and shifting the world.

Protection Symbol | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

It’s time to become the creator of your own life.

First, it starts with how we take care of and treat ourselves. And secondly, how we treat and take care of others.

Rod Pontemayor | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Rod Pontemayor

Energy Protector/Security + Logistics

Rod is the husband of Britt and father of Reef and Tehya. Rod worked as a histology technician for Dermatology/skin cancer surgery for the past 15 years. He decided to transition out of his line of work and fully focus on Holomua’s mission in 2020 when Tehya was born. He became a certified EMT in 2001 and also worked as a legal clerk/messenger for a corporate defense firm in Oakland for four years. He also worked as security for 2 years and in the automotive technician field for 7 years.

He is passionate about helping parents of “special needs” kids shift their mindset and see past the societal limitations that are placed on these kids. He is also passionate about helping men better understand their wives who are healers. “I want to help fathers be of service to their ‘special needs’ child. I want them to imagine themselves in their child’s shoes and see the world from that perspective,” Rod said. “What energy you put forward is more important than any actions. These kids are not broken and they have so much purpose. I want to help parents tap into their child’s energy and understand their needs and non-verbal communication.”

Tehya | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Tehya Hilina’i

CCO (Chief Cuteness Officer)

This fiery soul is the newest member to the ‘ohana. Born during the pandemic in May 2020, her energy lights up a room everywhere she goes. Her determined, well-rounded, lovable nature reminds people she is a splitting image of her mom.

Tehya’s Treasures started November 2020 when Britt started selling crystals to her clients and students on IG live. You can purchase crystals via her IG Live sales (times/dates listed on the Holomua Healing University page) or she also holds quarterly in-office shopping events.

Marlene Perdido | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Marlene Perdido

Swiss Army Knife + Retail Jedi

Marlene Perdido was born and raised on O‘ahu. Marlene has more than 17 years of childcare experience. In March 2018, she became a certified Reiki Practitioner. Then in August 2021 she became certified as a Spiritual Life Coach. Marlene is passionate about empowering children to reach their fullest potential and embrace their individuality. Her healing sessions and her aura, in general, provide a safe place for children to feel their emotions and express themselves without fear or judgment. Her work bridges the gap between parents and children, helping them to better understand each other through compassion and empathy. Marlene is also known as Britt’s “Swiss Army Knife”, often wearing several hats — including retail manager, babysitter, and assistant.

Logo | Holomua Healing University | Reiki Training + Certification | Reiki Healing | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Logo | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Logo | Holomua Healing University | Reiki Training + Certification | Reiki Healing | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression