Nicole Bemmer | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

Nicole Bemmer

The Cocoon Embrace


Oahu, HI + Orange County, CA


Nicole Bemmer

Aware of her energetic sensitivities and psychic abilities since childhood, Nicole was catapulted onto her spiritual pathway after an out-of-body near-death experience at the age of 19. While the physical injuries sustained left her bed-ridden for nearly a year, the emotional and mental responses to the endured trauma lent themselves to be the true catalysts towards her deeper inner healing journey. After her initial physical recovery, she moved to Hawaiʻi where she dove head-first into learning about spiritual and energetic principles – first leaning on yoga, meditation practices, and then anything else that helped her to connect with spirit and re-remember who she was. She was honored to study and be certified in Lomi Lomi Nahenahe and Lomi Lomi Wāwae (2010) as a Licensed Massage Therapist, as well as Reiki Energy Healing certifications with Holomua Healing Arts (2021), and IFS coursework certifications (2021).

After years of cocooning in her head, challenged with karmic lessons, trauma patterns, and inner-child and generational wounding, a fiercely moving spiritual awakening left her with no choice but to shift into her heart. As a devoted intuitive coach and energy worker, Nicole has a deep passion for transformation through connection (with the earth, others, and the self), and helping others “push play” on their authentic selves. An adventurer and creative at heart, you can often find her basking in the magic of the outside. A lover of lyrics, she’s a strong believer that dancing it out can shift your energy for the better. When not traveling or at Disneyland, Nicole is the one curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea in communion with a good book.

“Nothing brings me more fulfillment than engaging with soul-clients who are willing seekers and discoverers of their heart’s purest truths. That’s why my mission is to help guide others towards clarity of the self and evolution of the spirit so that they can live in alignment with their own heart’s purpose. You will not find any judgments here. What you will find, however, are an open mind, a listening heart, and reminders every step of the way through your evolution just how worthy you are of choosing you.”

Holomua Certifications:

  • Reiki 1 + 2
  • Animal Reiki
  • Child Reiki
  • Advanced Energy Healing
  • Outside Certifications:
    • Licensed Massage Therapist
    • Lomi Lomi Nahenahe
    • Lomi Lomi Wāwae
    • IFS Certifications


  • In-Person + Virtual Sessions
  • Adult + Child Energy Healing Sessions
  • Empowerment Coaching
  • Group Healing via Zoom
  • House + Office Blessings

Protection Symbol | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression

It’s time to become the creator of your own life.

It starts with how we take care of and treat ourselves.

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Logo | Holomua Healing Arts | Reiki Healing | Reiki Training + Certification | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression
Logo | Holomua Healing University | Reiki Training + Certification | Reiki Healing | Hypnotherapy | Past Life Regression