Born in a small, quiet town on the Big Island of Hawai’i, Leona was always been interested in people – and their uniqueness – which made her want to see more of the world and everything in it. She grew up believing that all things are connected and has always been very tuned in to her environment and sensitive to the energies around her. She nows lives in the San Francisco/Bay Area and started her healing journey to sort out dark feelings that were out of character with her normal disposition. She learned that she was not only absorbing heavier energies, but also holding on to and carrying them with her. In 2017, Leona started seeing Britt regularly for coaching and Reiki. “My experience with Holomua Healing Arts has helped me navigate my situation and shift to adapt and manage my life, to move forward, effectively enabling me to do the same for others,” she said. “It’s important to me to make a positive difference every day – helping others is nourishing and fulfilling!”
In 2018, Leona became a certified Reiki practitioner and in 2021 a certified Spiritual Life Coach. She is excited to continue to help others on their healing journey in any way she can. She is also extremely excited to continue to help Britt with her non-profit High Vibrational Child and help children and families better connect, heal and live a fulfilled life.